Daughters of Promise

Mrs. Edith Osamor/ Coordinator-In-Charge

Jadesola Giwa /Head of Department

“Our Goal is Restoration” Psalms 23:3, Psalms 51:12

The Daughters of Promise Ministry caters to the needs of Mothers raising their children by themselves and the help of the Lord- whether divorced, Single, separated from their spouses legally, through distance or for whatever reason.

  • To minister specifically to the needs of single mothers in the church and the community.
  • To offer support, hope and encouragement to single mothers through the Word of God and in the place of prayer.
  • To encourage and advance restoration according to the Word of God to enstranged spouses.
  • To provide knowledge and education of resources to single mothers in order for them to have a stable financial life for their family.

Our Focus

Mothers that have never been married
Estranged mothers from their spouses
Mothers separated form their spouses’ simply through distance and have to raise their children on their own.
Divorced mothers

Topics We Address

An examination of the typical emotional, physical and spiritual reaction felt by someone experiencing loneliness and raising a child/ children alone.

Constructive ways to reduce feelings of loneliness and ways to encourage appropriate responses.

How God can use adverse experiences to help us grow closer to him and discover His will…

How to overcome obstacles of unforgiveness and develop a forgiving lifestyle and productive steps you can take to begin the healing process.

How to help your children stabilize in a single parent home.

Strategies for successful single parenting and practical suggestions for bringing up your children.

Practical advice for budgeting, work and other key financial issues.

General Prayer Points

Do you want us to pray with you?
Please email your prayer requests to [email protected]

Meeting Times & Location

Every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month for an awesome time in the presence of the Lord. We arrange for fun times, education sessions, prayer time and counseling.

Venue: Jesus House DC- 919/921/926 Philadelphia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910